Dr Benjamin Daniel is a fellow of the Australasian College of Dermatologists, a consultant Dermatologist at St Vincentʼs Hospital and the Western Hospital.

He did a 2 year pre-dermatology research fellowship in autoimmune blistering diseases alongside his masters of medicine for which he received honours for his thesis. During his dermatology training he has worked at various hospitals in Melbourne including the Alfred Hospital, Victorian Melanoma Service, Peter MacCallum Cancer Hospital and the Royal Childrenʼs Hospital, as well as the National Skin Centre in Singapore.

Dr Daniel has published several articles in peer reviewed journals and presented at both local and international conferences. He has also written book chapters on common skin conditions. He was awarded the Harvey Rotstein Award for academic excellence, collegiality and professionalism through the registrar training. He has a particular interest in eczema, psoriasis, acne, autoimmune blistering diseases, pigment disorders and skin cancer management.


MEDerm as a service provider for Dr Ben Daniel

Melbourne Eastside Dermatology (MEDerm) takes pride in providing a high quality dermatology support services and facility for Dr Ben Daniel.

When booking to see Dr Daniel, please understand the following:

  1. Dr Daniel practise individually independent of other dermatologists.
  2. MEDerm is responsible for the booking, paperwork, billing and providing facility for Dr Daniel.  MEDerm is not responsible for the medical practices or treatment plans instituted by Dr Daniel.
  3. Dr Daniel’s relationship with MEDerm is one of contractor and service provider.  Dr Daniel is not an employee of MEDerm.
  4. Dr Daniel may practise in another facility/location outside MEDerm.  It is your right to obtain your clinical notes, and discuss with Dr Daniel the best location to organise your consultation or treatment.