Janet Kim 医生是澳大利亚皮肤科医师学会的院士 (FACD)。


Kim 医生曾在韩国首尔的医院担任皮肤科医生顾问进行了临床观察,包括在Samsung医疗中心的皮肤科和疤痕诊,并获得了佛罗伦萨遗赠补助金 (Florence Bequest Grant) 来承担这项工作。她也在珀斯的私人诊所和菲奥娜斯坦利医院工作过,现在在墨尔本工作。

Kim 医生为《澳大利亚皮肤病学杂志》(Australasian Journal of Dermatology) 撰写和审稿,并在当地和国际上从事志愿医疗工作。


Kim 医生能用流利的韩语交谈。

MEDerm as a service provider for Dr Janet Kim

Melbourne Eastside Dermatology (MEDerm) takes pride in providing a high quality dermatology support services and facility for Dr Janet Kim.

When booking to see Dr Kim, please understand the following:

  1. Dr Kim practise individually independent of other dermatologists.
  2. MEDerm is responsible for the booking, paperwork, billing and providing facility for Dr Kim.  MEDerm is not responsible for the medical practices or treatment plans instituted by Dr Kim.
  3. Dr Kim’s relationship with MEDerm is one of contractor and service provider.  Dr Kim is not an employee of MEDerm.
  4. Dr Kim may practise in another facility/location outside MEDerm.  It is your right to obtain your clinical notes, and discuss with Dr Kim the best location to organise your consultation or treatment.